Microsoft Vista is een zootje

Een computer of compjoeter
Microsoft Vista moet de opvolger worden van Windows XP. Daar zitten wij helemaal niet mee, want wij gebruiken geen Windows XP en het is dus met een zeker leedvermaak dat wij u wijzen op het bericht 'Microsoft Vista is still a mess'. De conclusie luidt:
"Vista's still a mess. It's meant to be at release candidate stage, yet vendor's are struggling to provide sufficient driver support, features are still missing or not yet complete, and its performance compared to XP is still poor. Nowadays hardware is cheap, and it would be sufficiently acceptable to upgrade in anticipation of a wonderfully revolutionary OS. Unfortunately Vista provides little to no benefit for end users compared to that of the previous version of Windows, released five years ago in 2001.

There are no upgrades or features to the OS that are sufficiently compelling to make upgrading a necessity, some which were earlier promised, allowed for sufficient reason for an upgrade to be considered, but these have been removed one by one over the course of Vista's prolonged patchy road of development, and now Vista appears little more than an ill-performing version of XP with a glorified interface. "

11-09-2006 18.05 | Door: Technische Dienst


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