Computer definitions

De onderstaande grap is afkomstig van de humorpagina van onze vaste columnist. Wij zijn bezig die te recyclen, zoals aangekondigd op 7 juli 2006. U kunt zelf ook grappen insturen. Uw en onze captain bepaalt welke er geplaatst worden.

Computer definitions:

HARDWARE: Collective term for any computer-related object that can be kicked or battered when inclined to do so."

ERROR MESSAGE: Terse, baffling remark used by programmers to place blame on users for their program's shortcomings."

COMPUTER: Instrument of torture. The first computer was invented by Roger 'Duffy' Billingsly, a British scientist. In a plot to overthrow Hitler, Duffy disguised himself as a German ally and offered his invention as a gift to the dictator. The plot worked.
On April 8, 1945, Hitler became so enraged at the 'Incompatible File Format' error message that he shot himself. The war ended soon after Hitler's death, and Duffy began working for IBM."

PRINTER: A joke in poor taste. A printer consists of three main parts: the case, the jammed paper tray, and the blinking red light."

Voor het laatst bijgewerkt op 18 september 2004

07-10-2007 13.28 | Door: Stagiaire


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