Greatest piece of farm machinery
One day a farm implement salesman visited a new potential customer in hopes of selling him the latest, greatest and most expensive piece of farm machinery his company had ever produced.He found the farmer sitting in the barn with his head in his hands. The salesman introduced himself and explained why he was there."Well," said the farmer, "If you can do something for me, I'll buy one of those fancy gadgets."
The salesman could barely contain his excitement at the prospect of such a huge sale, after all, there was nothing he wouldn't do to make this sale.
"Sure," said the salesman, "Just name it!"
"Well," started the farmer, "this morning I came down to the barn to milk Bessie. I put the stool down beside her and the pail under her and was just about to begin milkin' when she got up an' kicked me with her right hoof. I took a piece of rope and tied her right leg to the side of the stall and went around to the left side of her with my stool. I no sooner got sittin' when she got up an' kicked me with her left hoof. I took another piece of rope and tied her left leg to the other side of the stall. Then I took the stool around to the back of her and sat down and was just about to start milkin' when she got up again and swats me in the face with her tail. I didn't have any more rope so I took off my belt and stood up on the stool and proceeded to tie her tail to the ceiling and of course my pants slided down to my ankles. Right then my wife walks in. If you can convince my wife that all I was going to do was milk the cow, I'll buy one of them things."
Voor het laatst bijgewerkt op 7 september 2004
08-10-2007 21.55 | Door: Stagiaire
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