An Italian in Detroit

De onderstaande grap is afkomstig van de humorpagina van onze vaste columnist. Wij zijn bezig die te recyclen, zoals aangekondigd op 7 juli 2006. U kunt zelf ook grappen insturen. Uw en onze captain bepaalt welke er geplaatst worden.

An Italian in Detroit

Onea day Ima gonna Detroit to se bigga hotel. Inna se morning Ima going down to eata se breakfast. I tella se waitress, I wanna two pisses of toast. She bringa me only se one piss. I tella her, I wanna two piss; she say: go to the toilet. I say: you no understand; I wanna two piss onna my plate. She say: you beter no piss onna se plate, you sonna ma bitch!

Later I go out to eat at se bigga restaurant. Se waitress brings me  a spoon and a knife, but no fock. I tella her: I wanna fock. She tella me: everyone wanna fock. I tell her: I wanna fock on se table. She say: you better no fock on se table, you sonna my bitch! So I go back to my room inna hotel and there are no shits onna my bed. I calla se manager and tella him: I wanna shit. He tella me to go to se toilet. I say: you no understand: I wanna shits onna se bed. He say: you better no shit onna se bed, you sonna ma bitch!

I go to check out and se man at se desk say: peace to you! I say: piss onna you too! You sonna my bitch. Ima gonna back to Italy!

Voor het laatst bijgewerkt op 18 september 2004

14-10-2007 15.35 | Door: Stagiaire


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