De misselijkmakende John McCain

In ons stukje 'De misselijkmakende Barack Obama' hebben wij een nieuwsbrief gepubliceerd dien wij ontvangen hadden van het campagneteam van Barack Obama.

Laat nu niet al te lang daarna de nieuwsbrief van de toekomstige president van de Verenigde Staten, John McCain, binnenkomen. Wij zouden eigenlijk liever zien dat Barack Obama zou winnen, maar zeg nu zelf: als Amerikanen kunnen kiezen tussen een blanke man en iemand anders (of dat nou een neger of een vrouw is), gaan ze dan op iemand anders stemmen? Wij denken van niet. Maar goed, u kunt de beide nieuwsbrieven nu met elkaar vergelijken. Hier is die van McCain:

" My Friends,

The Straight Talk Express bus has become a symbol of my campaign's openness, honesty and access - true democracy at work. Some of my favorite memories of the campaign so far are of riding on the Straight Talk Express across this great country, enjoying unscripted, spirited conversation about the issues with members of the press and other passengers. I believe voters deserve a close, unfiltered examination of our presidential candidates. This give-and-take of ideas is a true example of democracy in action.

I'd like to take the opportunity today to invite you to join me on the Straight Talk Express for a day of conversation and campaigning.

Our last "Ride the Bus" contest was such a success, we've decided to launch it again. As a token of my appreciation for your financial support, any donation you make between today and next Monday at midnight, will qualify you to win a seat aboard the Straight Talk Express. I hope you'll consider joining me by making a donation right away.

If I am given the great honor of serving as the next President of the United States, I will make certain that my administration is open and forthright about the issues facing this country, and I will keep this great conversation going that began on the Straight Talk Express.

I've said before that I'm running to be president of all Americans and the Straight Talk Express enables me to travel around our great country to meet directly with Americans to discuss their thoughts, ideas and concerns. We're facing many great challenges as a nation, and I am running for president to solve these challenges through government reform.

I hope you will join my campaign for reform today and make a contribution before next Monday. Remember, with any donation you make you'll be entered to win a trip aboard the Straight Talk Express for the day. Thank you, as always, for your tireless support.


John McCain

P.S. I've never been afraid to do things a little differently on the campaign trail. I've never been afraid to hold town hall forums, engaging Americans in a discussion on the issues. My campaign bus, the Straight Talk Express, has taken me to every corner of our great country to meet with Americans who agree we need reform. Today, you have the chance to win a day with me on the Straight Talk Express. You will be entered to ride the bus with me by making a donation of any amount before next Monday. Please follow this link to enter today. Thank you.

Eerlijk gezegd worden wij hier bij lange na niet zo misselijk van als van dat slijmjurkenmailtje van het Obamakamp. Amerikanen hebben over het algemeen echter een voorkeur voor overdreven geslijm, dus of deze slag nu voor McCain of voor Obama is, weten wij niet.

24-06-2008 20.12 | Door: Cpt. Iglo


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