Lu Watters

Banjo, mandoline, gitaar, trompet, ukelele, klarinet
Lu Watters.Wij dachten die naam wel eens gehoord te hebben, maar wisten niet of wij al aan de bijbehorende muziek blootgesteld waren geweest. Nu dus wel. Om de een of andere reden, die ons ontgaat, had de Albert Heijn XL op winkelcentrum Overvecht onlangs voor de somma van net nix een aantal vierdubbelceedees met jazz in de aanbieding. 'The Ultimate Jazz Archive', van Membran Music Ltd. De 4 CD-set met het nummer 8 bevat werk van Lu Watters, Bobby Hackett, Edmond Hall en Barney Bigard, één CD per artiest.

Nu hebben wij Leonard Feather's 'New Encyclopedia of Jazz' niet voor niets in de kast staan, dus over Lu Watters weten wij inmiddels:

"Watters, Lu, trumpet, leader; b. Santa Cruz, Cal., 12/19/11. Bugle at St. Joseph's Military Academy, trumpet in school's brass band. While at high school in SF formed own jazz band 1926 and worked during vacations as ship musician. While on scholarship at U. of SF, played in band at Palace Hotel. Toured the West for five years w. Carol Lofner, then went to China as ship musician. Back in SF worked with various jazz combos; led 11-piece band at Sweet's Blrm. in Oakland 1938-43; organized the Yerba Buena jazz band, 1940, retaining it until Dec. 1950 except for his years of Navy service, June 1942 to Sept. '45, when he led 20-piece Navy band based in Hawaii. The Yerba Buena band was perhaps the most vital factor in the reawakening of public interest in traditional jazz on the West Coast. In 1951 Watters retired temporarily from music, devoting his time to the study of geology. After returning briefly with a new band, he retired permanently from music and in '59 was working as a chef at a state institution in Cotati, Calif. Own LPs on Verve, GTJ, River."
De opnamen op het Albertheijnceedeetje zijn gemaakt in San Francisco, op 29 maart 1942. Personeel: Lu Watters, Bob Scobey (tp)(vcl), Turk Murphy (tb), Ellis Horne (cl), Wally Rose (p), Clancy Hayes, Russ Bennett (bjo), Squire Girsback (tu), Bill Dart (d).

22-10-2008 12.20 | Door: Cpt. Iglo


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