Your mailbox has exceeded the storage limit

Vandaag ontvingen wij het volgende eposteltje, geadresseerd aan "undisclosed-recipients":
"Your mailbox has exceeded the storage limit set by your administrator.You may not be able to send or receive new mail until your mailbox size is increased by your system administrator.
You are required to contact your system administrator through e-mail with your
Username:{ } and
Password:{ }
to increase your storage limit.
System Administrator
(emailadres verwijderd. S.J.) You will continue to receive this warning message periodically if your inbox size continues to exceed its size limit.This email is intended only for the use of the individual or entity towhich it is addressed and contains information that is privileged and confidential."
Daar trappen wij toch echt niet in. Wij halen onze mailbox dagelijks leeg, per slot van rekening. Feitelijk is dat zelfs overbodig, want wij worden toch haast nooit bemaild en zelf mailen we ook heel weinig, maar dat is een heel ander verhaal.

30-03-2009 13.09 | Door: Stommeling Jones


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