Lenny Henry to star in film about Bep van Klaveren

We like a good joke here, but we also manage to come up with some pretty bad ones.This may very well be one of the worst, all hinging on the fact that Bep van Klaveren was a white middleweight and Lenny Henry is a black heavyweight, and growing. Read for yourself:
"Dear Mr. Henry,

Tonight, as I was watching the showing of 'True Identity' on the BBC, I suddenly got an idea for a terrific april fools' joke, to be done by you and Mr Frank Bruno.



One of my favourite bits is 'Romeo and Juliet' by The Frank Bruno Shakespeare Players. I'm sorry, but it is.

Seeing you play this white guy and remembering The Frank Bruno Shakespeare Players made me think what a wonderful joke it would be if you and Mr Bruno would combine to anounce you were going to make a movie about Dutch boxing legend Bep van Klaveren (a middleweight, at his heaviest), with you playing Bep (after all: he was white and you've been through all the hassle of being made up to look white, so it even sounds kind of logical, doesn't it?) and Mr Bruno playing Bep's most fearsome opponent, whose name eludes me for the moment, mainly because I've never known it (Bep had stopped boxing at least five years before I was born, so I'm forgiven, thank you very much).

In the cheapest and simplest version of the joke you'd have to do nothing but have your press agent, or whoever, send an announcement to the Dutch editors and journalists they'd normally send an announcement to, about the proposed project and the exact date (April 1st, of course) and time (who cares?) of the press conference at which the exact plans would be laid out. Mr Bruno wouldn't even have to do anything, really. In this version.

Then you'd (or we'd, since it's my idea) have someone (not us, because we wouldn't even be there. Why would we? We already know it's a silly prank) stick up a flag, pull down a curtain, or whatever, saying: "April Fool!" Lots of bewilderment all around and that's it. Have a few drinks and go home. That's it, basically. Really. Go home. Now.

All you'd have to do afterwards, if they'd ever ask, would be to deny any involvement in whatever it was. Just say: "O fuck, somebody seems to have hacked my press agent's e-mail". Or something like that. Or nothing at all, since you're not involved anyway.

There are of course more elaborate versions thinkable.

Should you be interested in playing any part at all in this prank at the expense of Dutch journalism, please let me know.

If you aren't interested, please let me know as well. A simple "Fuck off" will do."

He never answered. Obviously, he couldn't be bothered. Oh well. I'm afraid I was very drunk at the time, anyway.

01-04-2009 10.48 | Door: Fish Finger P. (with a P that stands for Plastered)


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