Hamas: Bat Ayin attack a natural response to the occupation

What do you do if you consider your country to be occupied?

You start killing children. At least that's what Hamas considers a natural response, according to the Jerusalem Post. Did the Jerusalem Post twist Ayman Taha's words, or is Hamas just a bunch of murderous cowards? Anyway, this is the story:

" The terror attack in the Bat Ayin settlement, in the West Bank, which killed a 13-year-old and injured a 7-year-old boy, was simply a natural response to the Israeli "occupation," a Hamas spokesperson said on Thursday.

"This attack was committed in the framework of the resistance," Ayman Taha said. "This is a reaction to the continuing occupation and the continued building of settlements."

"This is a natural reaction," he said, "especially against the backdrop of Israel attacks. We are a people occupied, and it is our right to defend ourselves and to act in every way and with every means at our disposal in order to defend ourselves." "

Right. Defending yourself against a 13-year-old and a 7-year-old by storming into them wielding an axe.

02-04-2009 17.12 | Door: Fish Finger P. (with a P that stands for Plastered)


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