Escape From Bahrain: Ali Abdulemam Is Free

We reserved a chartered jet to fly us from Cyprus’s Larnaca airport to Bahrain and to fly our faux celebrity team back to Cyprus. The visit to Bahrain would take three days, and the switch would happen in a fast-food eatery on the way to the departure plane. We would invite Abdulemam to switch clothes with his double and allow us to perform some minor aesthetic transformations to make him pass muster at the airport. In Bahrain, people on private planes and in a VIP delegation don’t get their fingerprints scanned or subjected to interviews. They simply go from limo to jet without pesky security checks.

Zie ‘Escape From Bahrain: Ali Abdulemam Is Free‘.

15-05-2013 7.00 | Door: Stommeling Jones | Categorie: Aardrijkskunde, Losse skakels

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