Putin’s Human Rights Council Accidentally Posts Real Crimean Election Results; Only 15% Voted For Annexation

Putin’s people pulled this “rather unfortunate” report from the President’s Human Rights Council website, but council member Svetlana Gannushkina talked about this subject on Kanal 24 as reproduced on Ukrainian television, declaring that the Crimean vote “discredited Russia more than could be dreamed up by a foreign agent.”

Putin plans to repeat the Crimean election farce in the May 11 referendum on the status of the so-called People’s Republic of Donetsk. He will use the same tricks to produce an overwhelming vote for “independence” and a high turnout. The few international election monitors will object, but Putin counts on repetition of his Big Lie to convince his own people and sympathetic politicians and press in the West that the people of east Ukraine actually want to separate from Ukraine.

Zie ‘Putin’s Human Rights Council Accidentally Posts Real Crimean Election Results; Only 15% Voted For Annexation‘.

6-05-2014 14.18 | Door: Stommeling Jones | Categorie: Losse skakels, Oekraïne, Polls, enquêtes en rapporten, Rusland

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