LakeBTC Suspended from CoinDesk Bitcoin Price Index

The exchange said today’s $0 bid and ask values were the result of an attempt to fix its earlier data fault. Its price ticker reports a null value when the bid-ask spread is “out of range”, according to LakeBTC.

In this case, a negative spread was created when the bid value was greater than the ask value temporarily because of an order placed on the exchange, the exchange has added. The negative spread caused the ticker to report null values in those instances, LakeBTC said.

In light of the repeated price reporting errors from LakeBTC, the exchange will be suspended from inclusion in the CoinDesk BPI for 30 days.

Zie ‘LakeBTC Suspended from CoinDesk Bitcoin Price Index‘.

1-11-2014 11.51 | Door: Stommeling Jones | Categorie: Computerij, Losse skakels

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