Violence on the Temple Mount in the Arab Media

For the past cou­ple of months, the Tem­ple Mount has been the focus of con­fronta­tions between Mus­lim wor­shipers and Jew­ish vis­i­tors. Encour­aged by anti-Semitic invec­tive in pub­lic state­ments by Pales­tin­ian Pres­i­dent Mah­moud Abbas, in recent days this has esca­lated to vio­lence by Mus­lim wor­shipers who have hurled stones, fire­works and metal bars at Israeli secu­rity forces. The Mount is the holi­est site for Jews, and the third holi­est Mus­lim site (after Mecca and Med­ina) known as Al-Haram Ash-Sharif. The respon­si­bil­ity for the Tem­ple Mount is shared by Israel, which has sov­er­eignty over the site, and Jor­dan, whose Cus­to­dian Min­istry has man­aged the site since the 1994 peace treaty between Jor­dan and Israel.

Zie ‘Violence on the Temple Mount in the Arab Media‘.

20-09-2015 7.00 | Door: Stommeling Jones | Categorie: Israël, Losse skakels

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