Man of the People: Pope David Miscavige Eats at IHOP

“Pope Miscavige is working hard to show that he is a man of the people,” said Church of Scientology spokesman Monsignor Ken Delusion. “Pope Francis riding around in his little Fiat isn’t the only ‘ordinary guy’ out there among the global religious leaders of the world.”

“Frankly,” declared Monsignor Delusion, “we in the Church of Scientology are darned sick and tired of the wog media gushing all over Pope Francis while they ignore Pope Miscavige — a man whose monumental OT accomplishments put Pope Francis to shame.”

Zie ‘Man of the People: Pope David Miscavige Eats at IHOP‘.

25-09-2015 13.32 | Door: Stommeling Jones | Categorie: Losse skakels, Scientology

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