L. Ron Hubbard Fiction on Sale

After an unprecedented period of promotion by Campbell, only four of Hubbard’s stories are on sale by mail order in this issue. On page 151 one retailer offers “Triton,” “Slaves of Sleep,” “Final Blackout” and “Death’s Deputy” as part of a “five books for the price of three” deal. Another bookseller (on page 153) offers no fiction by Hubbard at all.

Even at the height of his fame in the SF community, Hubbard’s books were evidently not flying out of the door.

Zie ‘L Ron Hubbard and “Astounding” Part Company – Dianetics and Scientology in “Astounding Science Fiction” (Pt 13)‘.

16-10-2015 7.00 | Door: Stommeling Jones | Categorie: Boeken, Losse skakels, Scientology

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