The Mainstream Press Reaction to L Ron Hubbard’s “Dianetics”

Dr Gumpert makes one minor error – a consequence of taking Hubbard’s word at face value. He notes that “The dianetic prophet, L. Ron Hubbard, [is] a civil engineer and science-fiction writer”.

While Hubbard certainly did write for a variety of pulp fiction magazines, and was best-known for the science he wrote under his own name, he was not a civil engineer.

Hubbard did take a course in civil engineering at George Washington University between 1930 and 1932. However, he failed to complete the first year coursework, and left without a degree.

Source: ‘The Mainstream Press Reaction to L Ron Hubbard’s “Dianetics”‘.

19-10-2015 11.00 | Door: De Grote Vrager | Categorie: Boeken, Losse skakels, Scientology

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