Reporter’s notebook: Scientology’s latest intimidation attempt is sadly familiar

But apparently, when David Miscavige and his Office of Special Affairs heard from their private eyes who must have been following us that we’d gone to the meeting, it confused and surprised them so much, they took the very unusual step of having their reporter call us directly.

“They were probably just letting you know that they’re watching you, but I think they were also really freaked out that you went to that meeting,” Mike Rinder tells us. Rinder was not only once the Church of Scientology’s spokesman, he also ran the Office of Special Affairs. “They couldn’t figure out what you were doing there and it probably drove them crazy. That’s pretty obvious.”

Source: ‘Reporter’s notebook: Scientology’s latest intimidation attempt is sadly familiar‘.

12-03-2016 22.57 | Door: Stommeling Jones | Categorie: Losse skakels, Scientology

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