Earth Is Tipping Because of Climate Change

Although the predominant cause of the pole’s shift still turned out to be Greenland, a recent dry spell that has overrun Eurasia is also driving the pole toward the east, Ivans says. With less rainfall on a continent over time, it starts to shed some bulkAdhikari and Ivins think the sudden shift could be the latest in a series of decadal changes in drift that scientists have been unable to explain. Eurasia, which was quite lush 10 years ago, is not the only continent to experience a drought. “We think this flip is happening all the time,” Ivins says. “It’s a natural phenomenon that characterizes the entire Earth rotation time-series going all the way back to 1899.”

Source: ‘Earth Is Tipping Because of Climate Change‘.

9-04-2016 16.02 | Door: Stommeling Jones | Categorie: Aardrijkskunde, Losse skakels, Wetenschap

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