The Avengers (1998 film)

The Avengers was nominated for that year’s Razzie Award for Worst Picture, Worst Director, Worst Screenplay, Worst Supporting Actor (Sean Connery), Worst Actress (Uma Thurman), Worst Actor (Ralph Fiennes), Worst Screen Couple (Fiennes and Thurman), and Worst Original Song (“Storm”), winning only one trophy for Worst Remake or Sequel. Several critics, especially in the UK, noted that the American production team fatally misunderstood the symbols of “Britishness” central to The Avengers series, such as the inclusion of an inexplicable gadget on the dashboard of Steed’s Bentley which appeared to dispense tea, with milk already added.

Source: ‘The Avengers (1998 film)‘.

23-05-2016 12.03 | Door: De Grote Vrager | Categorie: Film, Losse skakels

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